adjective as in used
Strong match
Example Sentences
He recycled impressions he had done on Best Week Ever of Kevin Federline and George Takei.
Now it appears Boardwalk Empire is not only going to feed us more fiction but, with the addition of Ness, recycled fiction.
Smelters focusing on recycled materials are prevalent in Japan and Europe, according to Duran.
Some is recycled or used quickly, through programs like Share our Strength.
But soon I realized that they were a shadow of a shadow, endlessly recycled Hollywood clichés.
Hulse brought a magnum of champagne with him, and after so long a time drinking recycled water, my capacity was shot to pieces.
The co-writers are authors (recycled) and readers whose past readings (real or imaginary) are integrated in the new experience.
Like manure, which was recycled to enrich fields and gardens, the grain and hay crops went to nourish the farm's dairy animals.
Land masses reshaped, oceans installed, or climate recycled?
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.