real time
noun as in actual time for action or event
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Example Sentences
Once you install the sandboxed Sqreen agent, it analyzes your application in real time to find vulnerabilities in your code or your configuration.
For the previous games, Gold said Grey pulled out all the stops with massive pin boards where teammates could game plan content and join social conversation in real time.
When the full history is finally written, the depth of those failures will likely shock even those of us who have followed it closely in real time.
We get to see what’s happening, but we do not get to interact in real time.
“You better believe the large sophisticated firms in the space have technology to tell them about what’s happening in the world in real time,” Eifert said.
The assessment of the strikes comes in real-time video from the aircraft.
Elisabetta Piqué, who knew Bergoglio well as a cardinal, writes in the present tense as if to convey real time passing.
Currently, real-time surveillance systems of disease do not exist.
State and public health agencies work similarly, but nothing is reported in real-time.
The on-stage musicians perform Basetrack Live with both instruments and samples, cueing up videos and sounds in real time.
In a word, his real time of relief being that evening at sunset, his mate came lounging in, within a quarter of an hour.
It can also perform most of the calculations necessary for real-time guidance of the course of the experiments.
A special input register may be connected to operate as a Real Time Clock.
The location of both the individual and his unit can be measured in real time in meters, if not feet, anywhere in the world.
Denying or deceiving the adversary, including real-time manipulation of senses and inputs, is part of this control.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.