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People who received the vaccine have also reported fevers, fatigue, aches, or chills—a sign that the vaccine is working as intended to provoke a response from the immune system, experts say.

These statements provoked public outcry but public health officials note there’s no reason to worry about this specific variant.

This is typically the time of year when we roll out a different package, our annual Voice of the Year list, where we set out to determine who provoked the biggest civic dialogues over the past year.

When stressed, injured, starving, or otherwise provoked, the pinky-nail-sized Turritopsis dohrnii skips the whole growing old and dying thing in favor of reverting to infancy.

As long as you are able to provoke your respondents to bring something original to the table, selecting them from other roundup articles is absolutely fine.

No one remembers a laugh provoker, while even third rate "serious" actors win posthumous praise!

He thought of the actor's wife and two babies, especially the one who was his father's "tear provoker."

Nay, now I have caught you; there was neither inviter, nor provoker, for I was all alone.

One of these venerable first principles is that mystery is the arch provoker.

Smoked halibut by any other designation would be a thirst-provoker just the same.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


