verb as in dominate, control
Example Sentences
Fifty years later, the Reagan consensus prevails, it seems to me, more so than Roosevelt consensus.
With few exceptions, the Republican establishment prevails over its base.
This consensus of views prevails as well in the electronic media.
Whether Scott ultimately prevails in his Senate contest this upcoming November, history was made in Washington last week.
At the end of the episode, one team prevails against the other, winning three matches in a best-of-five contest.
The darkness, or rather the general misapprehension, which prevails on this subject, is a frightful source of disease and misery.
In New York and some other states a somewhat different rule prevails.
The same general arrangement prevails throughout the building, though here and there certain modifications will be noticed.
The free book system that prevails in some schools is a prolific source of infection.
I believe I have already mentioned, that a very wrong idea prevails as to their comparative merit.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.