noun as in herbicide
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Humans cause habitat loss, produce pesticides, and import non-native species.
As I began to research the industry more, I realized that tampon manufacturers aren’t required to disclose a list of ingredients and that they can contain pesticides, glue, and even bleach.
In the past two decades, Oregon environmental regulators identified industrial logging as a risk to more than 170 public water systems, listing clear-cutting, road building and pesticide spraying as potential sources of contamination.
Organic cotton is excellent for all skin types, and has the bonus feature of putting fewer pesticides into the environment during production.
This led to the Rice Harmony Collective, which revived traditional techniques like “rice duck fish” agriculture, where fish and ducks in the rice paddy act as a natural pesticide.
Those might include BPA (which is found in many plastics), pesticide residue, and both legal and not-so-legal drugs.
Genetically modified seeds were supposed to liberate corn farmers from using pesticide to combat rootworms.
The Monsanto corporation produces a popular pesticide called Roundup.
We commonly ingest pesticide residue on non-organic produce.
In many rural Chinese homes, a jar of pesticide—often a variety banned in Western countries—sits in the family outhouse.
The laws and recommendations for pesticide application may have changed since the articles were written.
We have already ordered a patrol column of two hundred fully-armed pesticide robots to destroy the animals.
All through the wooded area, he could see occasional members of the pesticide robots.
Within minutes, more and more of the pesticide robots were swarming towards and into the clearing.
Two hundred pesticide robots were ranged around the perimeter of the clearing, their weapons facing inward.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.