adjective as in necessitous
Weak matches
- bad off
- bankrupt
- beggared
- beggarly
- behind the eight ball
- broke
- destitute
- dirt poor
- down-and-out
- empty-handed
- flat
- flat broke
- fortuneless
- hard up
- impecunious
- impoverished
- in need
- in want
- indigent
- insolvent
- low
- meager
- moneyless
- needy
- on one's uppers
- penniless
- penurious
- pinched
- poverty-stricken
- reduced
- scanty
- stone broke
- strapped
- suffering
- truly needy
- underprivileged
- unprosperous
adjective as in poor
Strongest matches
adjective as in ruined
Example Sentences
Th' hide iv th' pauperized kine iv Europe will have to cough up at th' custom house befure they can be convarted into brogans.
If he does not do this, he is probably pauperized, and you at once throw out the balance of things.
Industrial crises follow each other with increasing severity and the masses are becoming more and more pauperized.
The city has not pauperized them with a luncheon, and they have had only cold food since morning.
Will the American people never wake up to the fact that they are being pauperized?
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.