adjective as in highbred
adjective as in pureblood
adjective as in pureblooded
adjective as in thoroughbred
Strongest match
Weak matches
Example Sentences
A number of differences between center and left will never be papered over.
And, even if that could be papered over, McDonnell was ensnared in an ongoing ethics scandal that kept him off the campaign trail.
The cultural issues can be a bit more easily papered over than economic ones.
Since Democrats had been rendered to minor-party status, disagreements were papered over.
Romney's weaknesses were papered over by the power of his presentation.
It had never been papered, and the walls, with a little touching up, were ready for kalsomining.
The doors and other compartments of the room were not papered, but had French mirrors let into the panelling.
The walls of Michael's room were papered with a brown paper, which was intended to be very artistic, but was really merely sad.
And of course it must be new-papered and painted and modern conveniences placed in it.
No manufactured and papered article is the peones' cigarette.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.