Example Sentences
A Methodist bishop has officiated at a same-sex marriage in Alabama.
Recently, some 50 Methodist ministers together officiated at such a same-gender wedding.
During his time as a priest, Father Thomas Williams officiated over countless weddings.
Each of the 32 inductees were officiated at a CFDA board meeting last week.
The year before, Rev. Al Sharpton officiated a renewal ceremony in the New York City hospital where their twins were born.
He was born in Wales, and educated for a dissenting minister, and officiated as such more than 40 years.
The priests taught nothing; they merely officiated at rites and ceremonies.
The Beadle summoned members to meetings and officiated in whatever of formality was observed in them.
He christened their children and officiated at their weddings, marrying them over the tongs.
Accordingly Becket excommunicated the Archbishop of York and the assistant bishops who had officiated on the occasion.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.