making money
adjective as in in the black
Example Sentences
She thereby declared herself less interested in making money than in making a difference.
(4) When an organization built on free labor starts making money, it needs to start paying for work.
Yavuz said ISIS was controlling the illegal diesel trade and making money from it, but was not directly involved in all aspects.
MacFarlane is actively making money off of his inflated sense of self.
Silicon Valley executives were not just about making money, but were trying, as they famously claimed, to “change the world.”
You can't go around asking for a job and saying, "But I was making money for them."
I have even grown keen on making money—which I rather disdained at home; for the matter of that, thought little about it.
Mr. Carter was deeply engrossed in making money, having become suddenly rich through a lucky speculation.
He had been making money by his literary work, and was well able to afford himself a little recreation.
Robert says he's too fond of making money, or he might do something in politics.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.