noun as in sucking
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In a country that does not guarantee mandatory paid leave after the birth or adoption of a child and where there is an intense pressure to breastfeed, lactation rooms have multiplied in the last decade.
What does it mean when people are expected to breastfeed and yet to do it in secluded multi-user lactation rooms, like the Longworth House suite in the Capitol, often double as communal spaces, fostering a sense of camaraderie among new mothers.
The title Milk Factory underlines that lactation is a form of labor, even if federal law conceptualizes it as a break from work, which employers are not required to compensate.
From there, she traveled across the country to take pictures of lactation facilities in other workplaces, including a California farm, airports, various New York schools, and the Julia Tutwiler Prison for Women in Alabama.
It also employs nurses, lactation consultants, and others who respond to messages and offer women advice or health screenings as issues come up.
“The case for using pharmaceutical galactogogues [substances used to increase lactation] has grown weaker,” the report found.
Certainly not in the same way that motherhood triggers contractions, lactation, and stretch marks.
Long-continued lactation—that is, beyond the physiological limit of about nine months—is especially a frequent cause.
Usually we may say this method fails of its purpose and pregnancy and lactation together work serious harm.
Lactation is sometimes prolonged for no better reason than the hope to avoid pregnancy.
In all probability she was infected during her last lactation.
As lactation progresses, they become thickened to nearly twice the original diameter.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.