noun as in notes
Weak match
Example Sentences
Pictures that look like casual jottings from life turn out to be complex constructions.
The "Minimes" are her drawings, and have all the freshness and variety of casual jottings.
A few years after that, I found this notebook with these strange jottings.
It seems strangely like old times to me to be making these jottings in Pitman's shorthand.
The jottings on the fourth day show the increase of the delirium.
One of these days I hope to work up these trivial jottings in some more thoughtful and not unworthy fashion.
Next he reproduces his jottings and expands them, and as he completes the items he severs them out of his list.
And now I have done my jottings, and once again congratulate you on having brought out so grand a work.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.