adjective as in brought in
Strong matches
Weak matches
adjective as in made acquainted
Weak matches
Example Sentences
“We’ve re-introduced people to home improvement during this period and doing it themselves,” Home Depot finance chief Richard McPhail told Fortune this week.
All the other vaccines of the last decades have either been tested for years or were introduced very slowly, he says.
As it did with Beijing earlier this week, Michelin introduced the new Green Star distinction to Seoul.
Founded in 2018 in Stockholm, Voi operates in 50 cities across Europe and aims to introduce its transportation options to New York in 2021.
Ng, 52, was introduced as the Marlins’ general manager Monday.
Grindr introduced the feature themselves in October the same year and called it ‘tribes.’
Just this year we sponsored the Reaching Out MBA Conference and in that conference I introduced my fiancé to everybody.
In the later stages of the war, the American-made Stinger missile was introduced and wreaked havoc among the Soviet helicopters.
The expo is introduced by Mayor Anne Hildalgo, who describes it as a “sensitive reading of the upheavals in French society.”
Indeed, it was Esco who introduced the movement to celebrities, writing about it in the Huffington Post.
We all rose to our feet, and he shook hands with everybody without waiting to be introduced.
Between these two extremes the Federal Reserve note, a new form of currency, has been introduced.
I introduced him into the salon, and Mademoiselle, after conversing a little while with Madame, consented to receive him.
That he might lose his head and 'introduce an element of sex' was conscience confessing that it had been already introduced.
We find by research that smoking was the most general mode of using tobacco in England when first introduced.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.