

View definitions for hypochondriac


noun as in neurotic

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AmazonNeither sitting nor standing for long periods of time are that great for your health, as your hypochondriac friend is likely fully aware.

AmazonBlack lights—those lights that emit ultraviolet light—can quickly become a favorite tool in the hands of the right hypochondriac.

Here’s a gift guide that all my fellow hypochondriacs will appreciate.

As a gadget writer, I know it’s fine, but as a hypochondriac, it hurt a little.

One of the storylines of that movie has hypochondriac Woody enduring a cancer scare.

He is a hypochondriac now and would keep a close watch on his heir's health and habits; you may be sure of that.

I've met him; he's a bad-tempered hypochondriac, a cynic at heart, and a man whose word is never doubted.

Many a hypochondriac had laughed immoderately at the ludicrous exercises of Crummles and the infant phenomenon!

Hypochondriacs of any sort are a nuisance both to themselves and other people, but none more so than the spiritual hypochondriac.

He chiefly complained of great straitness and pain in the hypochondriac region, very short breath, swelled legs, want of appetite.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


