noun as in beer
Example Sentences
Marvin hops over the edge of his retaining wall, which he built.
It's a bright, drinkable IPA made with dry American hops giving the nose hints of mango and passion fruit.
WHO: Like the neighborhood, aging hippies mix with craft hops heads and thirtysomethings in Missoni with Maclaren strollers.
Twenty-Five years after joining Rogue Ales, he still has his passion—and an obsession with hops.
He hops up and down like a little boy—though at 23, he is a boy, really—as the names of the other nominees are called out.
Woollen rags have been largely employed as a manure for hops, and are believed to surpass every other substance for that crop.
The principal consumption of extract of gentian is by the brewers, in lieu of hops.
A pillow, filled with hops and laid under the patient's bed, is an undoubted cure for rheumatism.
She drives through Kent, "where the fields, valleys, and slopes are garlanded with hops and ablaze with scarlet poppies."
He prays assistance from a kind of grasshopper; and the little creature, in return for a previous benefit, hops upon her foot.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.