Example Sentences
Animals jumped through unbelievable hoops and seemingly appeared out of thin air.
Stacked cylinders form a base beneath her feet and loosely roll about as she juggles objects and weaves in and out of hula-hoops.
We have to jump through hoops to do things that should be simple—filing taxes, being respected as a family.
Given the hoops mania, though, the gym is the largest in the state, capable of holding 3,000-plus rabid fans.
Jumping through hoops to maintain status as a legitimate business is nothing really new.
And then, while he still struggled to have his way with her, a pair of arms took him about the waist like hoops of steel.
Here we have shepherdesses in hoops and wreaths of roses and shepherds in satin coats, who carry crooks tied with knots of riband.
The foragers had hoops, also, but they were to throw down theirs, and to make their escape at the signal agreed on.
Those whose hoops had been knocked down assembled on one side, close to the side wicket.
The hoops to have holes in the bottom; the crushings are saved, and set, and churned, to grease the cheese.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.