go daffy
verb as in go crazy
Weak matches
- blow a gasket
- blow one's mind
- blow one's stack
- blow one's top
- crack up
- flip one's lid
- flip out
- fly off the handle
- go ballistic
- go bananas
- go batty
- go berserk
- go bonkers
- go buggy
- go cuckoo
- go haywire
- go kooky
- go loco
- go loony
- go mental
- go nuts
- go nutty
- go off one's rocker
- go off the deep end
- go off the wall
- go psycho
- go wacko
- go wacky
- lose control of oneself
- lose one's cool
- lose one's mind
- wig out
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Example Sentences
We had better do some scouting; I'll go daffy with this waiting business.
From Project Gutenberg
"I've got to say something, or I'll go daffy," cried Farley, rubbing his eyes.
From Project Gutenberg
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.