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The lawmakers called Garland to make dismissing the case one of his first actions after the inauguration to ensure that it does not obstruct states’ efforts to regulate on many tech policy issues.
A look at Garland’s record as a federal judge, as the Blade reported upon his nomination to the Supreme Court in 2016, found his LGBTQ-related cases are few in number.
It remains to be seen whether LGBTQ groups will call on Garland to address the rulings in his confirmation process or refuse to support him otherwise.
While Judge Garland does not have the kind of civil rights credentials that Vanita Gupta and Kristen Clarke do, we receive the news of his nomination with an open mind.
“Masks have been made a political issue from the start of the pandemic, and people don’t believe they need to wear them,” said Garland, whose union represents about 50,000 flight attendants.
The moon on every side her lustre shed,And all in robes of silver light arrayedThe trees with which the place was garlanded.
She kisses her little brother, lifts him in her arms and plants him, all garlanded with blossoms, on a big stone.
Her horns bedecked with ribbons gay, And garlanded with rosy may,—A tricksy sight.
She drives through Kent, "where the fields, valleys, and slopes are garlanded with hops and ablaze with scarlet poppies."
Oaks have been in leaf some time, except those that flower and are now garlanded with green.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.