funny book
noun as in comic book
Example Sentences
All well and good, but maybe we could spare some of that money for a Federal Comic Novel Project in hopes of adding to America’s reserve of funny books.
It’s a sweet, funny book, perfect for taking along on your trip home.
Yes, this funny book is not only critical of the Irish boom—it might even be prescient.
This is a truly funny book with lightning-quick dialogue and these two wonderful characters.
Oh, nothing much—a so-called funny book—one of these days I'll write a funnier book than that, myself.
I have been trying to write a funny book, with dead people and sickness everywhere.
There was a funny book in circulation among students in that day.
Either he is helped by that funny book-girl, Alice from Wonderland, or by some of her friends.
He said he wanted a funny book, with pictures in it and a blue cover.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.