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Koenig makes a big deal out of this call and frames it as a massive red herring.

The journey is relayed through 78 images clustered in white frames for an intimate feel.

FDR would go so far as to suggest story frames and offer off-the-record tips from the highest source in the land.

Sporting a beard, black plastic frames, and a Louis C.K.-like black T-shirt, he calls for adding guns to school curriculum.

Subsequent frames show two men, one of whom is wearing jeans, walking across the courtyard quickly.

The windows of Ki Pak's house were not made of glass, but were small square frames covered with oiled paper.

These frames fitted into grooves so that they could be slid back and forth, and in warm weather the windows were always left open.

Picture frames, nicely moulded in brass, were made here in 1825, by a modeller named Maurice Garvey.

"It is n't distressingly calm now," said the extra-strong frames—they were called web-frames—in the engine-room.

Frames are much used as girders, and they also give useful designs for suspension and arched bridges.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


