Example Sentences
Like Fosse did with Cabaret, Marshall excised two major characters: the Narrator and the Mysterious Man.
And should a silly, sometimes slight comedy like Veep be excised to include yet another harrowing drama, Rectify?
Scott's film is less contemplative and more grounded than McCarthy's script, with most of the philosophical digressions excised.
That demeaning blind quote has since been excised from the online version of the article.
Both writers include explicit sex scenes in their novels, the kind that would normally be excised from modern romance fiction.
At such an assembly, or at a preliminary council of Chiefs, he would assuredly speak of his Dream, as he does in the part excised.
He considers them hopeless unless they can be excised at a very early stage and the incision followed by caustics.
Whatever survival of the past stifles it should be quickly excised and suppressed.
If the condition has arisen, the pseudo-sac should be excised.
The protruding mass may then be cleanly excised by means of a scalpel.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.