Example Sentences
World-class outdoor destinations like Vermont don’t just materialize out of the ether.
Surprisingly, although anesthesia with ether was first used in surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital in 1846, the specific processes as to how general anesthetics act at multiple sites to produce anesthetic action remain a mystery.
“So this physical file of her fingerprints had just gone into the ether,” Little said.
Scores of crypto assets, from dogecoin to ether, surged as bitcoin climbed to a record of more than $64,000, up from about $7,000 a year ago, according to CoinDesk data.
Then the band crackled to life, a voice riding a high-frequency wave out of the ether.
We would lack a human face as our symbol; we would exist in the ether of ideas with no concrete stake in the ground to tether us.
A week does not pass without another set of economic numbers blasting through the ether.
Users post a photo, add a question, and send it off into the ether to be answered.
“It almost feels sometimes that Matilda is out in the ether,” she says.
But that particular sword of Damocles has floated off into the ether.
Their heads might have been turned upside-down, so absolutely did they tread upon blue ether.
The metal is then removed, and washed successively with very dilute sodium hydroxid solution, alcohol, and ether.
Suddenly something cluttered up the airways—some sort of interference—and the mystery of the ether died away.
It has the odour of thyme, is sparingly soluble in water, but very soluble in alcohol, ether and in alkaline solutions.
It is very slightly soluble in water, but readily dissolves in alcohol and ether.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.