adjective as in misanthropic
adjective as in reclusive
adjective as in reserved
Strongest matches
adjective as in self-controlled
Weak matches
- aloof
- backward
- bashful
- cautious
- ceremonious
- close
- close-mouthed
- cold
- collected
- composed
- controlled
- conventional
- cool
- demure
- diffident
- distant
- formal
- frigid
- gentle
- icy
- inhibited
- mild
- misanthropic
- modest
- noncommittal
- offish
- peaceful
- placid
- prim
- quiet
- reclusive
- restrained
- reticent
- retiring
- secretive
- sedate
- self-contained
- self-restrained
- serene
- shy
- soft-spoken
- solitary
- standoffish
- taciturn
- unapproachable
- uncommunicative
- uncompanionable
- undemonstrative
- unresponsive
- withdrawn
adjective as in self-restrained
Weak matches
- aloof
- backward
- bashful
- cautious
- ceremonious
- close
- close-mouthed
- cold
- collected
- composed
- controlled
- conventional
- cool
- demure
- diffident
- distant
- formal
- frigid
- gentle
- icy
- inhibited
- mild
- misanthropic
- modest
- noncommittal
- offish
- peaceful
- placid
- prim
- quiet
- reclusive
- restrained
- reticent
- retiring
- secretive
- sedate
- self-contained
- self-controlled
- serene
- shy
- soft-spoken
- solitary
- standoffish
- taciturn
- unapproachable
- uncommunicative
- uncompanionable
- undemonstrative
- unresponsive
- withdrawn
adjective as in standoffish
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Example Sentences
His messengers have gone hither and thither, to the monasteries, the convents, and the eremitic colonies wherever accessible.
From Project Gutenberg
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.