adverb as in falsely
adverb as in treacherously
adverb as in unfairly
Strongest matches
Weak matches
adverb as in unscrupulously
Example Sentences
White House adviser David Plouffe stuck to policy, saying Romney “dishonestly tried to run away” from his tax plan.
He openly and dishonestly called our president a socialist.
Watch for him to slam Romney, perhaps fairly, perhaps dishonestly—but hard.
The Russians, badly led and dishonestly provided, were beaten on sea and land alike.
But they were root-parasites, that is, fastened by their roots on the roots of other plants, sucking juices dishonestly.
Thornton deserved to lose what he had dishonestly gained, and what he apparently valued so little.
The young man lifted his head and said, "You can be sure that I would not make it dishonestly."
Alsace and Lorraine, if dishonestly come by, may be honestly retaken; but if for "guarantee," why these only?
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.