noun as in undergraduate
Strong matches
Weak match
Example Sentences
They conspired to form a coed team together, with Curtis as their third, and lay waste to the field the next time the tournament came around.
There’ll be men’s sports and there’ll be semi-coed sports, and women and girls in Connecticut will be losers.
Children frequently play coed sports until puberty begins, and only then does there begin to be a separation in athletic performance between boys and girls.
When it cut 11 sports last year, Brown said it would reach compliance by adding a women’s and a coed sailing team.
Her position was eliminated, and Donald Wells, the former cheerleading director who supervised Keene when she was a cheerleader, said she was not offered the opportunity to lead the new coed squad.
We lived in a coed dorm, with the first and third floors housing the young men, and the second floor housing the girls.
By the time Wurtzel arrived at Harvard in the 1980s, the university had gone coed.
And, of course, a frequent cruise-ship stop and coed party spot.
Katz says the coed school is in a different zone and is filled with its own kids.
For example, enrollment must be voluntary, and parents need to be provided with a coed option.
Bettws-y-Coed is the most famous of mountain towns in Wales, and its situation is indeed romantic.
And if anybody called Wood (say) had put up a house here, he'd probably have called it 'Ty Coed.'
Even at the Ty'n-y-Coed, where young girls abounded, it would not be right to pretend that there were young men enough.
One of the prettiest places for sketching, as well as a spot where the fisherman's skill is often rewarded, is Bettws-y-Coed.
A portion of these rocks, with the little tumulus-like hill of Pen y Coed, forms the eastern barrier.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.