noun as in carillon
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Example Sentences
Another man chimes in: “Today we are living at the edge of suffering.”
A quick beat passes before a producer chimes in: “Fox is up!”
Wahlberg chimes in with the hint of a smirk: “The hard days of digging ditches!”
Lukonge chimes in assertively: “When people discourage us we feel more encouraged to go on.”
Orson Welles (1965) His Chimes at Midnight was a mash-up of the Shakespeare plays in which Sir John Falstaff appears.
Under the name of "Chimes" these resonant gongs are now finding place in many Church and Concert organs.
After dark we wandered about the streets until the church-tower chimes warned us of the lateness of the hour.
The village clock sounded faintly, then from the stable came the chimes of seven.
In a few moments the ancient belfry of St. Chad's began to send forth its mellow chimes.
Over all rises the square, crescent-crowned minaret—no belfry, but a steeple where the chimes are rung by the human voice.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.