

View definitions for carpet


noun as in nappy floor covering

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When you workout at home, that means sweat settles into your upholstery, the carpet, and that one spot you never dust behind the TV.

That sweaty stench is definitely a downside of doing your push-ups on that bouncy carpet of yours, but it’s also easily avoidable and manageable.

Some signs would be your dog or cat exhibiting destructive behaviors after you leave home, like pacing, vocalizing, trembling, or even relieving itself on the carpet.

The old Victorian house needed a lot of work – paint, updated carpet, sanded wood floors, new plumbing, and the garden was in a shambles – but it would all be worth it.

Before the pandemic, many of your posts and slideshows covered red carpet events from indie film festivals to the Oscars.

From Fortune

That Kim Jong-un is behind it all—the hack, the theft, the sad red carpet.

The carpet is stained from the door to the window with red wine.

His father, Hassan, is a carpet merchant with close relations to senior members of the conservative Islamic Coalition Party.

Glee actress Lea Michele was seemingly dissed by Jessica Lange on the red carpet.

The full footage of her on the red carpet yes, shows her posing, but posing to order.

I've seen more cloes on folks' backs hyar, thet wan't no more'n fit for carpet-rags, than any place ever I struck.

It was in full sight from the door of the little shanty in which Aunt Ri's carpet-loom stood.

Your hangings must be of chintz, of pretty chintz, and you will put a cheerful carpet on the floor.

The portmanteau was the sign of youth and progress; old-fashioned people stuck to the carpet bag.

When the carpet was done, Aunt Ri took the roll in her own independent arms, and strode with it to the Agent's house.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


