

View definitions for calf


noun as in leg between knee and ankle

Strongest match

Strong match

noun as in baby cow

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Ulises Segura’s season ended in mid-September with a calf ailment.

Only camel calves around four to eight months old could give the virus to people, he found.

Females need a lot in the “bank” because their calves need a lot of energy.

They noted that the disease would roll through communities every few years, causing pregnant heifers and cows to lose their calves.

A somewhat worrying detail, in that respect, is that they tested muscle composition in the two muscles of the calf, the soleus and gastrocnemius, but only found a significant relationship between fiber type and training outcome for the gastrocnemius.

The dimmed lights and sizeable golden calf on the center of the conference table should tip you off.

Independence may well be the modern day Golden Calf to which far too many of us bow down and worship.

“Good, number 15 – she and her calf are still in the same place,” he said.

At her side was her calf, which turned and squinted at us through baby eyes.

The modest calf-length skirts and dresses could be tailor made for Kate Middleton.

A small book, bound in full purple calf, lay half hidden in a nest of fine tissue paper on the dressing-table.

The calf and the bear shall feed: their young ones shall rest together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.

When he assails a calf, the cow will rush upon him, and one toss from her horns is sufficient to kill him.

New milker with a calf still beside her—purty as a picture, the pair of 'em, and dirt cheap.

Looks like good stock, that calf does; 's if 't might make a nice steer, but 'twon't never be a cow to give milk.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


