adjective as in developed
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Example Sentences
Secondly, what's with choosing Swift, a 24-year-old born in Pennsylvania and bred in Nashville, to represent NYC?
Both produce some wines good enough to challenge the well-bred conceits of wine makers in Burgundy and Bordeaux.
Darci Brown, owner of a car dealership in Greenfield, Mass., has bred dogs as a hobby for 30 years.
These exotic animals are kept in small cages and bred over and over again.
Even when bred in captivity, Leahy said breeding facilities are often horrendous, resembling factory farming.
Isabel had a glimpse of a delicate high-bred face set like a panel in a parted curtain.
She spoke calmly, with the pleasantly modulated voice of a well-bred Englishwoman.
The alarms and excursions of the past three weeks were naturally trying to a girl born and bred in a quiet Devon village.
Among these showy and high-bred soldiers, the hours passed delightfully.
To converse with an entirely uneducated person upon literature, interlarding your remarks with quotations, is ill-bred.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.