Example Sentences
The indoor bracken might be a tad high maintenance for beginner plant parents, but a little love goes a long way.
Apart from a moose carcass and a trail overgrown with bracken ferns, there was little to see.
Consider Enemies Foreign and Domestic, a Patriot-themed novel self-published by former Navy SEAL Matthew Bracken in 2003.
She moves slyly among the bracken, and her exquisite scent serves to guide her unerringly as she works up wind.
She curled herself up in the bracken, and he set his back against the wall of the hut and began to fill his pipe.
The babbling water of the burn was scented with the dead bracken of glens down which it foamed.
A boy pushed the bracken and ferny grey and green wattle sprays from before a lichen-grown wooden cross.
Almost everywhere the bracken flourishes, and heath or ling grows thick on the stony soil.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.