Example Sentences
By arranging objects in specific ways, Alice tries to set puzzles that are hard for Bob to solve.
As they learn, Alice sets more complex puzzles and Bob gets better at solving them.
When Bob tested participants during the day, he got exactly the results he expected—strong primes like right produced three times as much priming as weak primes like thief.
Bob’s results suggested his participants’ brains were activating strongly related words three times more effectively than they were weakly related words.
At the end, Bob calculated how fast and how accurate participants were when responding to the words and non-words.
Goodell otherwise bobbed and weaved his way through half an hour of grilling by skeptical reporters.
And I had the blonde, bobbed hair with like really high bangs that went super high.
Behind them bobbed the smaller ships; in the third line were merchant boats and the royal galleys.
At the defense table, Jerry Sandusky smiled broadly and bobbed his head up and down at the memory.
Pretty much all the research I did for playing an Anna Wintour type was, I went shopping for a bobbed wig.
“I am sure they are going to use my idea,” Belle Ringold said, with a toss of her bobbed curls.
She smiled and shook her bobbed curls and altogether acted in a rather ridiculous way.
At every step she took, her golden curls bobbed against her cheek, and so limping she sat down on a bank by the roadside.
Talpers bobbed his head, but not enough to break the stare he had bent upon the girl, who flushed under his scrutiny.
This time there was a faint scream in answer and a mauve-and-white bonnet bobbed agitatedly up the road.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.