noun as in bleachers
Strong matches
Weak match
Example Sentences
Half of it is taken up by the bunk beds and improvised benches.
Equipped with sensors, the benches will be able to provide data on weather conditions, noise, and air quality.
These “smart benches” can do more than simply serve as passive producers of electricity.
The panels produce electricity, which can charge phones and laptops through USB ports embedded in the surrounding benches.
In 21st century parks, trees are powering power wi-fi routers and benches charge smartphones.
Wait patiently until your side move over from the Opposition to the Government benches.
And under it on benches the usual crowd gathered reposing comfortably thereunder from day to day.
With that opposing force behind us, we bore away across the shrouded benches, straight for the mouth of Sage Creek.
They sat upon their benches, pale with the emotions which the fearful scenes excited, yet firm and unwavering.
Crowds of hurrying dwarfs came in through the windows, the air-holes and the chimneys, and rolled under the benches.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.