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Worker unionization in the US rose to a four-year high at the end of 2020, but the statistic comes with an asterisk.

From Quartz

That idea of an asterisk is a little silly to begin with, of course, and it might have been nice to have a bit more chaos in our sports.

Somehow, after the dust settles on the chaos of 2020, we should remember it as the year of no asterisks — at least as far as its champions were concerned.

The asterisk does not indicate whether the pollster itself is partisan, but whether the money that paid for the poll came from a partisan source.

I think one is that we tell China, we’re going to add an asterisk after its name now, just the way we do after information that can’t be believed for sure.

Keep the scare quotes around gay “marriage,” or at least put an asterisk after it.

Hoist that big historical asterisk skyward and place it next to his name.

In a year with less unrest economically, that would be an asterisk.

But now, in the name of religion, some people want to add an asterisk.

Instead of guessing, put an asterisk in the vacant spot and have the search engine figure it out for you.

I have put an asterisk against the names of the colleges whose presidents are graduates of Oberlin.

By the asterisk above mentioned the writer refers to a circle surrounded by rays, a sun symbol of male significance.

There is a tendency to confine the asterisk to such cases, and to use the full stop for shorter ellipses.

Most of these are recollected by Professor Cromwell and those with the asterisk are furnished by others.

Page 2, added missing footnote reference (original text had footnote, but no matching asterisk).


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


