

View definitions for assembler


noun as in builder

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Additionally, assemblers that incorporate Huawei or third-party chips into their devices for the benefit of Huawei will also need to apply for a license, according to the Commerce official.

From Fortune

Nothing—whereas Penman had been reared in the factory where they were made, and had long been a foreman "assembler."

She first put on The corselet of the cloud-assembler God,870 Then arm'd her for the field of wo complete.

She first put on The corslet of the cloud-assembler God, Then arm'd her for the field of wo, complete.

He was evidently no maker of clocks as "bits o' mechanism," or an assembler of parts.

In the hymns of the Rigveda he is the assembler of the people, the king, the pattern of just dealing.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


