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escapade is a synonym of caper

noun [ es-kuh-peyd, es-kuh-peyd ]

escapade is another word for caper

✅ A caper is a lighthearted or frivolous activity, often a prank or an episode of silliness (We had to put a stop to her candy hiding capers).

✅ An escapade is a prank or generally reckless but lighthearted activity (Their youthful escapades were famous all over town).

✅ Both of these terms often refer to a childish or silly activity.

Caper and escapade can also refer to illegal acts, but in a more lighthearted way (After that escapade with my cousins, I thought it best to lay low; I was reading about a caper committed by a cat burglar).

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clog is a synonym of block

verb [ klog, klawg ]

clog is another word for block

Block means to obstruct something, generally with obstacles (The rock had blocked the mouth of the tunnel).

Clog means to obstruct something, often with something thick, sticky, or built up over time (The debris clogged the pipes).

✅ Both of these words mean to obstruct a way or path (Water builds up in the tub if you clog the drain).

Block sometimes suggests that a route has been obstructed on purpose (They blocked the roads for safety during the parade), whereas clog suggests an accident or negligence.

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renowned is a synonym of acclaimed

adjective [ ri-nound ]

renowned is another word for acclaimed

Acclaimed means that someone has received a high level of praise or approval, particularly within their profession (an acclaimed photographer).

Renowned means that someone is famous or celebrated, either in their profession or by the general public (I hired a renowned detective to solve the case).

✅ These terms both describe being well-regarded.

Acclaimed doesn’t necessarily suggest being well-known by the public, and renowned can be used in a facetious way to refer to being well-known for negative reasons (She was an acclaimed author; He was renowned for leaving mugs everywhere).

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