adverb as in morbidly
Weak matches
Example Sentences
“It’s really weird, and nobody really knows what’s going on just yet,” says Joshua Semeter, an engineer at Boston University.
It’s the second week in November, so naturally in this weird 2020 sports calendar that means it’s time for the Masters.
I think that’s more comfortable than something that’s weird, or something that they’ve never seen before.
It’s different, when you see it, from the movies, but like, when you’re actually in there, it was kind of weird.
“They were strange little things with weird jaw joints and neck joints,” says Evans, a coauthor on the new study.
Christopher Nolan, Interstellar “My films are always held to a weirdly high standard,” Nolan told me.
The program—weirdly—is now under the umbrella of ABC News, and is suffering from flat ratings and an aging demographic.
“My films are always held to a weirdly high standard,” filmmaker Christopher Nolan told The Daily Beast.
“My films are always held to a weirdly high standard,” filmmaker Christopher Nolan told The Daily Beast.
The trouble is, this policy is both overbroad and weirdly discriminatory.
A mocking laugh arose from somewhere in the passage and echoed loudly and weirdly.
And the scene continues, weirdly dramatic, like some old romantic tale of feudal days.
They listened, and in a moment the voice came again weirdly over the water, though they could not distinguish this time the words.
They heard the boastful war songs of their foes echoing weirdly across the plain.
The moon was in the dark and the wind whistled weirdly through the trees.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.