noun as in buoyancy/buoyance
Weak matches
Example Sentences
I wasn’t going that far, but I wasn’t going to send a couple of emails until we were safely weightless.
In a sense, they’re weightless because the car is the battery.
The weightless, oil-free moisture absorbs into the skin fast to lock in hydration without a greasy feel and it should offer some relief to redness.
Even more astonishing are the pictures of him floating in the NASA aircraft that allows passengers to experience weightlessness.
It was a singularly uncomfortable sensation, on top of the discomfort of weightlessness.
His head sagged, and had it not been for the weightlessness he would have fallen forward onto the drone control.
There was an instant of weightlessness, and then their weight reversed as the A-G drive strove to slow down the ship.
You'd think the passengers would enjoy a little weightlessness occasionally—especially the fat ones—but they don't.
That's one advantage of weightlessness—you can lie down standing on your head, and go to sleep and like it.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.