Example Sentences
Having a channel to reach consumers from unboxing to daily moments, including a device’s notifications, is a crucial step for all app advertisers.
Whatever your query, desire, or purpose, the internet provides, and all of the complexity of everything from unboxing videos to do-it-yourself blogs are contained within infinitely complex strings of bits.
After unboxing her chair and gulping down some pizza and yogurt, McFadden went to bed early.
New and aspiring growers will enjoy unboxing this best indoor herb garden kit.
So, whether you spent the holiday making cookies, gathering around a lit tree for a cute photo opp, unboxing gifts with the kids or simply enjoying some stress-free time, we sincerely hope that you had an incredible day that was full of joy.
The folks at Unbox Therapy decided to look into what was dubbed “Bendghazi.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.