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verb as in ping

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verb as in tinkle

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Ting warned, though, that lulls in landfalls may decrease in the long term with increased global warming.

“I started with an Instagram story and sharing my frustration on how I wanted to provide an extra set of eyes and ears, and here we are,” Ting says.

In her shock, Ting turned to Instagram Stories, the app’s ephemeral collections of videos or photos.

Ting has said local control – the premise the state’s K-12 funding system is built on – failed students, families and teachers this past year.

Old Hawberk sat riveting the worn greaves of some ancient suit of armour, and the ting!

“I would suggest a legitimate conversation about let[ting] the states keep their money and implement the programs,” he says.

That single "Ting" always meant one of two things—one o'clock or a half-hour.

The name Tingri is said to be derived from the noise (“ting”) made by the falling stone.

Ise gwine straight off ter markit dis minit and Ill see dat it get sont off ter de right pusson for Ise done anudder ting.

No, so crees sa me, my lady will have some little ting in her pelly first.

"Good ting to hab de larsh mout, Misser Mongo,—eat de more—lib de longer," said Billy.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


