

View definitions for specifics


noun as in details

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Both sides said the meeting went well but offered few specifics.

Even when pressed, the department has been less than forthcoming with specifics on police shootings in the city.

But the specifics of “sex” were, and in many states still are, loosely defined.

He sticks only to specifics—the dates of operations, the number of people killed on both sides, even the number of bullets fired.

The whole picture does not include a whole lot of specifics.

He had mastered the trick of making universals sound like specifics.

Alas, yes; although I tried to keep him up, giving him specifics and carminatives and bleeding him once.

Before giving it up as insoluble we should make full proof of these homely specifics.

The idea of specifics in medicine has to a large extent disappeared.

In Japan the stones are accounted of medicinal value, while in Burma and Assam they are infallible specifics for ophthalmia.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


