Example Sentences
After a sweltering day of Republican head-scratching, the Iowa GOP chose its least popular candidate as a Congressional nominee.
Over 2,000 years ago, Aristotle was scratching his head about them.
There are many cultural phenomena that leave me scratching my head.
The sheer scale of what they are examining is daunting—and they are only scratching the surface.
It all boils down to scratching your name in the bark of a tree.
Some chickens were clucking outside the windows, scratching for bits of gravel in the grass.
Actually, after much heart searching and head scratching, my mind has made itself up and has gone home by cable to-day.
There was the same sniffing and scratching as before, and I felt the tent give a little as when wind shakes it.
Her mother, wearing an ink-stained jacket, was busy at her desk, the pen scratching on the big sheets of pad paper.
She had just opened the doors of all the little colony houses, and the hills were white with excited scratching Leghorns.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.