Example Sentences
If you want to see Saturn’s rings and distant galaxies, the Jackson-based nonprofit Wyoming Stargazing offers stargazing safaris.
Snorkelers can take a guided snorkel safari with Reef Magic Cruises and survey a coral stabilization project installed over a cyclone-damaged coral rubble field.
Recent gems include a $119,000 one bedroom, one bathroom apartment filled with large safari animal statues—including a giraffe peering into the shower.
One day, while the others were out on a safari, Ramani and I got talking.
She was fascinated by his stories about the safari he just took in South Africa.
One of the earliest ticker-tape parades was for Teddy Roosevelt when he returned from an African safari in 1910.
But he fell out of favour when it was revealed he had been on a big-game hunting safari.
A mere 800 travelers are allowed to visit the northern area of the park each year through safari tours, and prices are steep.
Would William support a hunting safari in Africa, whose supporters often make the very same arguments?
Earlier this month the two truly got away from it all when they went on an African safari with Eugenie and her boyfriend.
You start on safari to the railway as soon as possible, or sooner.
They set out on a leisurely return to the little safari, accompanied for a few miles by the soldierly Zulus.
A little after noon as they neared the safari they came upon a village which was in great excitement.
The next morning the safari filed out from the camp, the Masai greeting the inspanning with huge delight.
"Safari" is itself a Swahili word of Arabic origin, meaning an expedition and all that pertains to it.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.