

View definitions for retraining


noun as in behavior modification

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The things they will provide are logistical support, training or retraining security forces.

Could he take advantage of Denmark's generous retraining programs, I asked?

The same remorseless logic applies to retraining; at some point, investments in new education simply don't repay their costs.

No amount of cajoling or retraining could coax him to budge.

But as she ate, her avatar slowly got fatter—retraining her brain's understanding of the effects of her habits.

Harkaman was intending to use her for retraining of all the Lamia and Space Scourge officers, and rotated them back and forth.

Success in these operations may well require retraining, re-equipping, or reorganizing our military forces.

"Maybe the authorities have some sort of memory retraining system," Foeren said.

But those five years of rebuilding and retraining had left a gap in his life.

Only those recently discharged could be mobilized quickly and go into action without extensive retraining.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


