positive thinking
noun as in positive attitude
Example Sentences
The power of undeservedly positive thinking may have a role in relationships and business deals.
You are uniquely blessed with the great power of positive thinking.
She also popularized ideas about karma and positive thinking and—hello!
Positive thinking is Puritanism with a capitalist face, she believes.
Positive thinking is imposed on people in a lot of settings.
She can take a holiday and rest from her work; or by positive thinking she can set to work to get rid of her worries.
In order to sustain this condition of positive thinking it requires the development of the will power.
There are many positive thinking groups functioning in the religious field.
We wait perhaps, she thought, for the day when the market will offer a creative toilet as an aid to positive thinking.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.