Example Sentences
Just another golden treasure hidden somewhere in the great unknown, waiting to be discovered, plundered and protected.
But even in the New World, there are still archaeological riches to be plundered.
Literature has been in a plundered, fragmentary state for a long time.
They also have the networks able to traffic in plundered goods and equipment.
I watched my sisters being plundered by the police and there was nothing I could do to help them.
That night one of them endeavored to storm the magazine, burnt and plundered the station, and marched off towards Delhi.
The imperialists under the duke of Bourbon, took Rome by assault and plundered it.
All that she has plundered in a century does not equal the new wealth produced by her people every year.
There is every indication that the city was burned and plundered by the wild Welsh tribes sixteen hundred or more years ago.
Many of these have been plundered and lost; but still a very interesting collection exists in the Vatican Library.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.