adjective as in summoned
Weak matches
Example Sentences
They called my school, had me paged to the office, and told me never to come back.
And I had to wonder how many arts-section readers paged onward to letters to the editor.
I paged through descriptions of the dead cities that pathogens had left behind.
The hotel loud-speaker system drowned out his last words as a soft feminine voice paged someone in Spanish.
The two boys watched in fascination as I paged through my mail on the gigantic screen.
As I shall not see these paged sheets again, will you charitably assure me that the alterations are safely made?
A photostat of a multi-paged typewritten report lay on top of the neat pile of papers in the folder.
Cowper had never seen one of our big sheets, when he called such four-paged folios 'maps of busy life.'
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.