Example Sentences
Basically, to have a relaxing, fulfilling meal, the best bet for the birdies is to look as manly as possible.
Like the emperor’s eulogizers, Choniates is clear to highlight Komnenos as someone who spent his time in the sun doing manly things.
The two pairs both suffer embarrassments and humiliations on the trip, but the overall effect is that of boys’ story without being a stubbornly manly one.
This manly experiment is intended to test the theory of real-life Norwegian psychiatrist Finn Skårderud, who has asserted that the normal blood alcohol level of human beings is just too low.
A person who doesn’t fit their designated type—someone who gets labeled an effete man or a manly woman—seems at odds with the natural order of things.
There are many others getting their footing, like Androgyny and Original Tomboy, all manly duds for anyone.
It's not really sexy but it's hot to watch men doing manly things.
For a short time there was Zima Gold, which was slightly amber and almost had bourbon like taste to it — for the manly Zima man.
Many found this to echo a Stepford Wife mentality of women: Women like stories and language, not impersonal, cold, manly numbers!
But this is the kind of role, both manly and emotional, that launches an actor into the stratosphere.
The other was the spirited portrait of Baron von Friedericks, a happy combination of cavalier and soldier in its manly strength.
I cannot call that peculiarly manly, which are the peculiar pursuits of the lowest of our species.
A marvel of manly strength and grace and beauty, thirty years of age or so, and faultlessly dressed.
He was a manly young fellow, a sportsman and renowned at cricket, and she was amiable and pretty, a little blonde beauty.
This was the point of compass revealed by the astrologer as most favourable to the young candidate for manly honours.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.