magic spell
noun as in magic formula
Example Sentences
Bonnie, meanwhile, joins forces with others to try to find a magic spell that can save Elena before her transition is complete.
In the fifth film, The Order of the Phoenix, there is no magic spell that can get Harry out of trouble.
Rubinstein, on the contrary, cast a magic spell over Tchaikovsky.
How they come back to me—dimly and brokenly, but with what a magic spell—those years of youth when I was soldiering!
Without rising from the ground he opened his bag, got the tools he required and muttered a magic spell.
They circled the Pentagon with hundreds of protestors and said a magic spell that was supposed to levitate it.
As if by some magic spell he had called the card, the words were not out when it dropped upon the table.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.