noun as in lubrication
Weak matches
- grease job
- greasing
- lube job
- lubing
- oiling
verb as in lubricate
Example Sentences
For my gravel bike, I experimented with a kind of wax lube that you apply by dripping it onto the chain, like an oil-based lube.
Switching from oil lube to wax works best with a brand-new chain.
“I can build a custom motorcycle from scratch, can weld, and worked as a lube guy at a GM dealership,” Dustykatt says.
You can be the leader of a Salvadoran death squad, and then manage a Jiffy Lube in North Miami.
The shelves now stood empty save for a few sex toys, some lube containers, a few DVDs, and a couple of glass pipes.
The other, about Sting performing at Jiffy Lube Live, a concert venue in Bristow, Virginia.
Oscar-winning director Barry Levinson says the Jiffy Lube logo makes more fiscal sense.
It was a small, lonely, isolated place that sported two pumps and cramped looking lube rack.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.