Example Sentences
It is, perhaps, with that in mind that some are viewing the current series of charges being lobbed at the candidate.
Yet even as her mother lobbed insults, Melissa was shown looking on, delight and pride in her eyes.
Hess concludes, “the vilest [online] communications are still disproportionately lobbed at women.”
And those severe blows are mostly being lobbed by the far more powerful and capable Israeli military.
Inane and disturbing hashtags have been lobbed by those often far removed from the rocket fire.
Axander came back with a slow one that lobbed up to the plate looking as big as a balloon.
Joe lobbed one over and the Chinaman swung listlessly a foot below the ball.
He picked up a rock and lobbed it over a nearby boulder, then started moving cat-like in the other direction.
It was estimated roughly that 300 shells were lobbed into the town, and all passing over us on the way.
He told me these Flazel people were bad people, who had lobbed his father in the old days.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.