

View definitions for littering


verb as in make a mess

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Scientists worry most about the worms’ effects on “leaf litter.”

It turned out it had contained not just discarded radioactive material but clay-based organic cat litter.

A surge in pet adoptions is helping its cat litter business.

From Fortune

Reports of litter and overflowing trash bins on busy public lands have increased alongside the visitorship, says Lawhon.

I’m concerned about the carbon footprint of cruises, I’m concerned about people dropping litter, I’m concerned about people getting too close to the wildlife.

Littering the living room floor were old sports pages and letters and newspaper clippings.

No littering,” “no smoking,” “no cooking,” “no camping,” “no dogs,” “no glass containers,” “no alcohol,” “no bonfires.

While they were found guilty for only littering, witness testimony included examples of healthy animals being euthanized.

The always-adaptive Taliban forced Americans to rely more on helicopters by littering Afghan roads with IEDs.

By "blow-out," Chub meant a lot of white quartz that was littering the ground in every direction.

I saw a parcel of black jags of paper littering the place, and asked what had been going on?

That it had not been intentionally knocked down was probable, else the clay would not have been left littering the window sill.

He had a grand time, revelling with pen and pad and littering the floor with inked sheets unnumbered and still wet.

Writing tools and desk he had already collected; there were plenty of these littering the building in every corner.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


